Friday 14 December 2012

                        ]q¨-IÄ ]d-bp-¶Xv
                        slm! Fs´mcp
                             ]q¨- Xz-c-lnX {]hr-¯n-sb¶v
                             Hcp ]«nbpw Ct¶mfw Bt£n]n¨p Ipc-¨n-«nÃ
                             hntam-N\ {]Xybimkv{X-ambn
                             Hcp Dt«m]y-bp-an-ÃtÃm !
                             am´pI t]mepw sNbvXn-«n-Ã,
                             Hcp Ipew Ip¯n-sbbpw,
                             BcpsS C þ sabnepw lm¡v sNbvXn-«nÃ.
                             hb \nI-¯mt\m,
                             hnam-\-¯m-hfw ]Wn-bmt\m,
                             F´n\v þ
                             BtcmKy C³jz-d³kv ImÀUn\p t]mepw
                             ]mXmf D¨-tIm-Sn,
                             H¶nepw Xe-bn-«n-«nÃ
                             s]t{SmÄ ]¼v, Kymkv knen-­À, ^pÄss{_äv  kvtImfÀjn¸v..............
                             hoWn-t«-bnà Hcp {]tem-`-\-¯nepw
                             F¶n«pw ]mhw ]q¨
                             \mep-Im-en \S-¡p-¶-h-cpsS
                             shcpw-\pW XoÀ¯ Câ-en-P³kv he-bn-embn
                             hoWm \mep ImenÂ
                             hr¯n-bp-­v, ]t£ I¡pw ................. Fs´Ãmw
                             kz´w Imep-I-fpsS hn]-Zv ]-cn-Wn-Xn-Isf
                             c­p-Im-en adn-¨n-«mWv Cu Ifn.
                             ]¨-ao³ sImXn-bpsS ]g-¼p-cmWw aW¸n-¨mWv
                             ]ns¶s¯ hnc-«Â
                             sh«nbpw sIm¶pw sh¶pw
                             sh¶n-s¡mSn ]mdn-¨-hÀ Xs¶ thWw
                             CXp ]d-bm³
                             c­p Ime-·mÀ Ncn-{X-¯nsâ
                             Nmcn{Xyw IhÀ¶-t¸mÄ
                             Cu \mep-Im-ep-I-fmWv Imh-em-fm-bXv
                             ap¶dn F¶n«pw
                             I]S þ NXn þ sImÅ-IÄ¡v
                             amÌÀ s{_bn³ ]q¨-sb¶v,
                             Kncn-{]-`m-j-Isâ \psäm¶v
                             tZi-t{Zm-ln-bm¡n \mSp IS-¯epw
                             ]q¨-tbmfw sNdp-Xà ]q¨-aq-ey-§Ä
                             Ima-t{Im[ aZ amÕ-cy-§-fnÂ
                             shdpw ]q¨-bmWv ]q¨,
                             {]Wb \nÀ`c aplqÀ¯-§-fnÂ
                             kvt\l-¯nsâ ]qa-chpw.
                             Hma\ a¡Ä¡v \oXn-tZ-h-X,
                             hoS-I-§-fn `c-X-hmIyw
                             kzmXznI {]`m-h-ambv
                             kuay-am-bv, teme-ambv
                             ]q¨-IÄ Pbn-¡p-¶p, a®n \nXyw
                             aoi-bnÂ, hmenÂ, sNhn-bnÂ
                             h{IX NmÀ¯n
                             c­p-Im-en-IÄ ho­pw.

Saturday 10 November 2012


. 'Create' is related to 'Destroy', in the same way as 'Purchase' is related to '....................'. 
(A)Goods    (B)Buy (C)Market   (D)Sell (E)Money 2. The positions of first and the fourth letters of the word CLAIMS are interchanged, similarly, the positions of second and fifth letters and third and sixth letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement thus formed, how many letters are there between the letter which is second from the right and the letter which is second from the left, in the English alphabetical order ?     (A) None     (B) One (C) Two     (D) Three (E) More than three 3. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters AHS using all the letters but each letter only once in each word ?    (A) None     (B) One (C) Two     (D) Three (E) More than three 4. In a certain code 'in for a nice surprise' is written as 'a in for nice surprise' and 'obtained a new useful report' is written as 'a obtained useful new report'. How will 'entry denied in the university' be written in the same code ? (A) University in entry denied the (B) Entry in university the denied (C) Entry in the university denied (D) Entry in denied university the (E) Entry in university denied the 5. Which of the following will come in the place of question mark (?) according to the English alphabetical series ? AD CF EH ? IL      (A) GI     (B) GJ (C) JM     (D) GK (E) IK6. 'Temporary' is related to 'Permanent' in the same way as 'Natural' is related to '........................(A) Nature     (B) Artificial (C) Imaginary (D) Fraud (E) Genuine 7. In aclass of 25 students, Sneha's rank is 19th from the bottom and Meena's rank is 23rd from the top. If Chhaya's rank is exactly between Sneha and Meena's rank, what is Chhaya's rank from the bottom? (A) 15th     (B) 12th (C) 14th     (D) 11th (E) Cannot be determined 8. Fourof the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?    (A) 9     (B) 216 (C) 8     (D) 64 (E) 512 9. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters 'EPA' using all the letters but each letter only once in each word?    (A) None     (B) One (C) Two     (D) Three (E) More than three 10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?    (A) Meter     (B) Litre (C) Yard     (D) Feet (E) Mile 

11. Among A, B, D and F, each having different weight, A is lighter than B and B is lighter than only D. F is not as heavy as A. Who amongst them is the lightest?(A) D(B) F(C) A(D) Cannot be determined(E) None of
12. '2' is subtracted from each even digit and '2' is added to each odd digit in the number 6385471. Which of the following will be the difference between the fourth digit from the left and the fifth digit from the right of the new number thus formed?(A) 5    (B) 4(C) 3    (D) 2(E) 1
13. Rahul started from point A and walked 4 m towards the West. He then took a left turn, walked 12 m and stopped at point B. At the point B he took turn in a certain direction and after walking, he reached a point from where the starting point i.e., point A was exactly 12 m towards the North. Towards which direction did Rahul turn at point B.(A) West    (B) South - West(C) East    (D) North(E) Cannot 14.Prerna correctly remembers that last year the exams were held before June but after February. Simran correctly remembers that last year the exams were before September but after April. In which month of the year were the exams definitely held?(A) October    (B) January(C) July    (D) May(E) March 
15. In a certain code 'SHINE' is coded as 'FOJIT' and 'AFTER' is coded as 'SFUG8'. How will 'PRICE' be coded in the same code? (A) QSJDF    (B) FDSJQ(C) FDJSQ    (D) FSJDQ(E) QSDJF

Saturday 27 October 2012


                        Sidhique Velom  9747058042

                Ipfn¡Shpw tNmbn¡p¶pw
                        IShpwIfpw Ip¶p-Ifpw
                        hfhpw Xncn-hp-ambv,
                        Ipfnbpw tNmbn-bp-amÀ¶v
                        Fsâ \mSp Ncn-X-¯nÂ
                        L\o-`-hn¨ kvarXn-I-fmbv.
                        \m«p-\-·-I-fpsS BÀ{Z-tc-Wp-¡-fmbv
                        Imäpw Ipfncpw
                        \m«p-h-gn-bn-eo-W-§Ä XoÀ¯p.
                        kzmØy-¯nsâ XoÀ°-am-bv, Pe-[m-c-IÄ,
                        A`-b-¯nsâ Xtem-S-em-bv, ae-\n-g¸m-Sp-IÄ,
                        Xmcpw Xfncpw
                        Infnbpw Iocnbpw
                        ]mäbpw Xp¼nbpw
                        kvt\l-s¸-cp-a-I-fpsS k¦oÀ¯\w s]bvXp
                        Bªp-sIm-¯p¶ Bk-àn-IÄ
                        sh«n-¸n-Sp-¯-¡m-csâ `mh-lm-hm-Zn-I-fmbv
                        IS-hnepw Ip¶nepw Bªp-X-dªp
                        buh-\-¯nsâ In\m-¸m-fn-I-fnÂ
                        C¶v kar²amhp-¶Xv
                        hcn-h-cn-bmbv \o§p¶ aWÂhm-ln-IÄ,
                        Xmcp-Wy-¯nsâ Im´-ap-\-IÄ {Xkn-¡p-¶tXm,
                        N{I-hyq-l-§-fpsS Icp-¯n\v.
                        Adn-hp-I-fpsS Aw_c koa-I-fnÂ
                        hnÚm-\-¯nsâ hnkvt^m-S-\-§Ä
                                [ym\-\n-c-X-bpsS au\w X¨p-S-bv¡m³
                                A[n-\n-th-i-¯nsâ hymfn-ap-J-hp-ambv
                                {]tem-`-\-¯nsâ \ocm-fn-ss¡-I-fmÂ
                                AhÀ Iyq \n¶p
                                Ah-km-\s¯ inem-I\yIbpw
                                am\-`w-K-¯nsâ amdm-t¸dn,
                                ]te Ic-§-fn tIdn-bnd§n.

                        Krlm Xpc-Xz-¯nsâ a[pcw tXSnb
                        A®-s¡m-«\pw Dt®y-¯nbpw Nth-e-Ifpw
                        im]-tam£w In«msX Dg-dn-¸-d¶p,
                        `qanbpw ]mXm-fhpw Xm­n,
                        IS-hnse aÕy I\y-IIÄ
                        ac-W-¯nsâ aW-hm-«n-bmbv
                        Imhn\pw Ip¶n-\p-an-S-bnÂ
                        ^yqj³ ayqknIv XoÀ¯
                        A\-´-tImSn XcwK km{µ-X-bnÂ
                        ]mä-I-fpsS H¨-IÄ


Thursday 25 October 2012


jim Yong Kim                            —President, World Bank.

 Obiageli Katryn Ezekwesili        —Vice-President, Africa World Bank.

 Christine Lagarde (France)        —Managing-Director, IMF.

 Ban Ki-Moon                              —General -Secretary, UNO.

 Haruhiko Kuroda                        —President, Asian Development Bank.

 Prema Cariappa                          —Chairperson, Central Social Welfare Board.

 Nimish C. Tolia                          —President, Hindustan Chamber of Commerce.

 Vijai L. Kelkar                           —Chairman, 13th Finance Commission

 Amartya Sen                               —Human Development Advisor, UNDP.

 A. K. Upadhyay                          —Chairman, National Highway Authority of India.

 K. J. Udeshi                                —First Lady Deputy Governor of RBI.

 Ashok Kumar Lahiri                  —Executive Director in ADB

 P. L. Punia                                  —Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes

 U. K. Sinha                                 —Chairman, SEBI.

 S. K. Goel                                   —Chairman, Central Board of Excise and Custom (CBEC).

 Laxman Das                                —Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).
 S. P. Gaur                                    —Chairman, Island Waterways Authority of India.

 Sanjeev Batra                              —Chairman and Managing Director, Mineral and Metals Trading   Corporation (MMTC).

 Montek Singh Ahluwalia           — Deputy Chairman, Indian Planning Commission.

 V. P. Agrawal                             —Chairman, Indian Airports Authority (IAA).

 P. V. Narsimgham                      —President, Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI).
 Arvind Virmani                          —Executive-Director in World Bank (from India)

 Siddharth Tiwari                         —Secretary IMF.

 V. P. Baligar                               —Chairman and M.D., HUDCO.

 Herman Van Rompuy                —President, European Union

 Pascal Lamy                               —Director-General, WTO.

 K. M. Chandra Shekhar             —Indian Ambassador to WTO.
 Dr. D. Subbarao                         —Governor RBI.

 Nagesh Alai                               —President, Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI).
 J. Harinarayan                            —Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
 Arup Rai Chaudhary                  —Chairman and CMD National Thermal Power Corporation
 Sushma Nath                              —First Indian Lady Finance Secretary.

 Satyanand Mishra                      —Chief Information Commissioner.

 Ms. Shanta Sinha                       —Chairman, National Child Rights Commission.

 B. C. Tripathi                              —Chairman, GAIL.

 S. Roy Choudhury                      —Chairman and CMD, HPCL.

 A. B. L. Srivastava                     —CMD, National Hydro Power Corporation.

 Vinay Mittal                               —Chairman, Railway Board

 S. Narasing Rao                          — Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Coal India Ltd.

 Sushil Muhnot                            —Chairman, SIDBI. 

  Prakash Bakshi                           —CMD, NABARD.

 N. P. Patel                                   —Chairman, IFFCO (Indian Farmer’s Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd.)
 Yogesh Agrawal                         —Chairman PFRDA

 Rajendra Pawar                           —Chairman, NASSCOM (2011-12).

 Lalit K. Panwar                           —CMD, Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC)

 Sriraj Hussain                             —CMD, Food Corporation of India

 Chandra Shekhar Verma            —Chairman, SAIL

 Mamta Sharma                            — Chairperson, National Women Commission.

 C. Rangrajan                               —Chairman, Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Committee.
 D. K. Mehrotra                           —Chairman, LIC.

 Yogesh Lohia                              — Chairman, General Insurance Company.

 N. S. R. Chandra Prasad             —CMD, National Insurance Company.

 G. Srinivasan                              —Chairman, United India Insurance Company.

 M. Ramadoss                              —Chairman, Oriental Insurance Company.

 R. K. Upadhyay                          —Chairman and CMD Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.

 R. V. Verma                                —Chairman, Asia Pacific Union for Housing Finance.

 Reeta Menon                               —CMD, India Trade Promotion Organisation.

 M. Rafeeq Ahmed                      —President, Federation of Indian Exporters Organisation (FIEO).
 Mangoo Singh                            —MD, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

 Srivardhan Goyanka                   — President, Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 2011-12.
 Hari S. Bharatia                          —Chairman, C.I.I.

 Arvind Pradhan                          —Director-General, Indian Merchant Chamber (IMC)

 Rajesh Lilothia                           —Chairman, SC/ST Welfare Board.

 Pramod Dev                                —President Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

 Aditya Puri                                 —MD, HDFC.

 Raj Kumar Dhoot                       —President, ASSOCHAM

 Rahul Khullar                             —Chairman, TRAI

 R. V. Kanoria                              —President, FICCI

 Rajeev Kumar                             —General-Secretary, FICCI.

 Jacques Diouf                             —Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
 S. Krishnan                                 —Chairman, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulation
 Sandid Somany                           —President, PHDCCI

 Nandan Nilekani                          —Chairman Unique Identification Authority of India.
 M. D. Malya                                — President, Indian Banks Association.

 Rohit Nandan                               —Chairman and Managing-Director, Air India Ltd.

 Pratip Chowdhary                        —CMD, State Bank Group.

 Ajit Parsayat                                —Chairman, Competition Appellate Tribunal.

 Ashok Chawla                             —Chairman, Competition Commission of India (CCI).
 Dr. Bijendra Singh                       — Chairman, National Agricultural Federation Cooperative Marketing