Saturday 31 August 2013


Punjab and Sind Bank
(Based on memory)
Test-I: Reasoning Ability
1. In a certain code, PLANT is written as ‘$@2★©’ and
‘YIELD’ is written as ‘β64@%’. How is ‘DELAY’ written
in that code?
1) β4★2% 2) β4@2% 3) %42@β
4) %4@2β 5) None of these
2. How many meaningful English words can be formed with
the letters ARILT using each letter only once in that
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
3. D said, “A’s father is the only brother of my sister’s
son.” How is A’s father related to D?
1) Cousin 2) Nephew 3) Aunt
4) Data Inadequate 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 4-6): The following questions are based
on the five three-digit numbers given below :
394 632 783 576 895
4. If the positions of the first and the second digit within
each number are interchanged, then which of the
following will be the second highest number?
1) 632 2) 783 3) 576
4) 895 5) 394
5. If the first and second digits of each of the numbers are
added, the resulting sum of which of the following
numbers will not be exactly divisible by 3?
1) 895 2) 394 3) 576
4) 632 5) 783
6. If 2 is added to the last digit of each number and then the
positions of the first and the third digits are
interchanged, which of the following will be the highest
1) 576 2) 895 3) 783
4) 394 5) 632
7. If ‘A’ is coded as 1, ‘B’ as 3, ‘C’ as 5 and so on, which of
the following is the numerical value of the word
1) 81 2) 79 3) 77
4) 80 5) None of these
8. Which of the following pairs of words have the same
relationship as FAN : HEAT?
1) Water : Drink 2) Light : Night 3) Teach : Student
4) Air : Breathe 5) Food : Hunger
9. Q types faster than R but not as fast as V. T types faster
than R. S types faster than V. Who amongst the five
types the fastest?
1) V 2) T 3) S
4) Data Inadequate 5) None of these
10. If ‘B × C’ means ‘B is the daughter of C’, ‘B + C’ means ‘B
is the husband of C’ and ‘B - C’ means ‘B is the sister of
C’, then what does ‘M + N - P × Q’ mean?
1) M is the brother-in-law of Q.
2) M is the uncle of Q.
3) M is the son-in-law of Q.
4) Q is the mother-in-law of M.
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following arrangement
carefully and answer the questions given below:
R D A K 5 B I 2 M J E N 9 7 U Z V 1 W 3 H 4 F Y 8 P 6 T G
11. How many such numbers are there in the above
arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by
a consonant and immediately followed by a vowel?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
12. Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the
seventeenth from the left end?
1) M 2) J 3) 8
4) 5 5) None of these
13. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on
their positions in the above arrangement and so form a
group. Which is the one that does not belong to that
1) E 9 J 2) Z 1 U 3) H W 4
4) Y 4 8 5) B 2 K
14. Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the
nineteenth from the right end?
1) 5 2) Z 3) V
4) 1 5) None of these
15. How many such consonants are there in the above
arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by
a number and immediately followed by another
1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three
Directions (Q. 16-20): Each of the questions below
consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II
given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided
in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read
both the statements and
Give answer 1) if the data in statement I alone are
sufficient to answer the question, while the data
in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer
the question.
Give answer 2) if the data in statement II alone are
sufficient to answer the question, while the data
in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer
the question.Give answer 3) if the data either in statement I alone or in
statement II alone are sufficient to answer the
Give answer 4) if the data given in both the statements
I & II together are not sufficient to answer the
Give answer 5) if the data in both the statements I & II
together are necessary to answer the question.
16. How is ‘never’ written in a code language?
I. ‘never ever go there’ is written as ‘na ja ni ho’ in that
code language.
II. ‘go there and come back’ is written as ‘ma ho sa ni
da’ in that code language.
17. Among M, P, K, J, T and W, who is lighter than only the
I. P is heavier than M and T.
II. W is heavier than P but lighter than J who is not the
18. What does ‘$’ mean in a code language?
I. ‘5 $ # 3’ means ‘flowers are really good’.
II. ‘7 # 3 5’ means ‘good flowers are available’.
19. How is P related to J?
I. M is the brother of P and T is the sister of P.
II. P’s mother is married to J’s husband who has one
son and two daughters.
20. How many students are there between Suresh and
Mohan in a row of fifty students?
I. Suresh is twelfth from the left end and Mohan is
seventeenth from the right end.
II. Suresh is six places away from Jayesh, who is
twentieth from the left end.
Directions (Q. 21-25): In each of the following questions,
a group of letters is to be coded by number/symbol codes as
per the codes given below and the conditions that follow. In
each question, a group of letters is given followed by groups
of number/symbol code numbered 1), 2), 3) and 4). The
correct combination of codes is your answer. If none of the
four combinations is correct, your answer is (5), ie ‘None of
Letter : P D A F L H M R K T B E U
Number/Symbol Code : 3 6 # 8 $ 4 2 7 @ 9 5 1 %
i) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a
consonant, both are to be coded as ‘0’.
ii) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is
a vowel, both are to be coded as ‘©’.
iii) If the first as well as the last letter are vowels, both
are to be coded as the code for the first letter.
1) @16%7@ 2) 916%7@ 3) 916%79
4) @16$79 5) None of these
1) 167923 2) 167921 3) 067920
4) 067923 5) None of these
1) 847#28 2) %47#28 3) 847#2%
4) ©47#2© 5) None of these
1) %$934% 2) 1$9341 3) %$9341
4) 1$934% 5) None of these
1) 5@16$4 2) 4@16$5 3) ©@16$4
4) 0@16$5 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 26-30): Read the following passage
carefully and answer the questions given below it.
A group of seven friends, A, B, C, D, E, F and G, work as
Economist, Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal Operator,
Clerk, Forex Officer and Research Analyst, for Banks L, M, N,
P, Q, R and S, but not necessarily in the same order. C works
for Bank N and is neither a Research Analyst nor a Clerk. E is
an IT Officer and works for Bank R. A works as Forex Officer
and does not work for Bank L or Q. The one who is an
Agriculture Officer works for Bank M. The one who works
for Bank L works as a Terminal Operator. F works for Bank Q.
G works for Bank P as a Research Analyst. D is not an
Agriculture Officer.
26. Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture
1) C 2) B 3) F
4) D 5) None of these
27. What is the profession of C?
1) Terminal Operator 2) Agriculture Officer
3) Economist 4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
28. For which bank does B work?
1) M 2) S 3) L
4) Either M or S 5) None of these
29. What is the profession of the person who works for Bank S?
1) Clerk 2) Agriculture Officer
3) Terminal Operator 4) Forex Officer
5) None of these
30. Which of the following combinations of person,
profession and bank is correct?
1) A- Forex Officer - M 2) D - Clerk - L
3) F -Agriculture Officer - Q
4) B -Agriculture Officer - S
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 31-35): In the following questions, the
symbols @, #, %, $ and © are used with the following
meaning as illustrated below:
‘P # Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
‘P © Q’ means ‘P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q’.
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
Now in each of the following questions, assuming the
given statements to be true, find which of the three
conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely
true and give your answer accordingly.31. Statements: R @ D, D © W, B $ W
Conclusions:I. W # R II. B © D III. W $ R
1) None is true 2) Only I is true
3) Only III is true 4) Only either I or III is true
5) All are true
32. Statements: H $ V, V % M, K © M
Conclusions: I. K © V II. M @ H III. H © K
1) Only I and III are true 2) Only II and III are true
3) Only I and II are true 4) All are true
5) None of these
33. Statements: K # T, T $ B, B @ F
Conclusions: I. F $ T II. K # B III. T $ F
1) None is true 2) Only I is true
3) Only I and II are true 4) Only II and III are true
5) All are true
34. Statements: Z # F, R @ F, D © R
Conclusions: I. Z # R II. F # D III. D © Z
1) None is true 2) Only I is true
3) Only III is true 4) Only either I or III is true
5) All are true
35. Statements: M © R, R % D, D @ N
Conclusions: I. M © N II. N $ R III. M © D
1) Only I and II are true 2) Only II and III are true
3) Only I and III are true 4) All are true
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 36-40): Below in each question are given
two statements (A) and (B). These statements may be either
independent causes or may be effects of independent causes
or of a common cause. One of these statements may be the
effect of the other statement. Read both the statements and
decide which of the following answer choices correctly
depicts the relationship between these two statements.
Mark answer 1) if statement (A) is the cause and
statement (B) is its effect.
Mark answer 2) if statement (B) is the cause and
statement (A) is its effect.
Mark answer 3) if both the statements (A) and (B) are
independent causes.
Mark answer 4) if both the statements (A) and (B) are
effects of independent causes.
Mark answer 5) if both the statements (A) and (B) are
effects of some common cause.
36. A. State Govt has ordered immediate ban on airing of
certain movie channels on television.
B. A few social activists have come together and
demanded ban on telecasting ‘Adult’ movies on
37. A. Employment scenario in the country has remarkably
improved recently.
B. The number of prospective job-seekers going
abroad has increased recently.
38. A. Government has tightened security checks at all
important places and also at various public places.
B. Incidences of terrorist attacks are increasing day
by day.
39. A. The high court has fixed a time limit for repairing all
the roads in the city.
B. Road development authorities in the city are carrying
out road repair work on an urgent basis.
40. A. There is an outbreak of several epidemics in the
B. There was a worst flood situation ever experienced
in the past in most parts of the country.
Directions (Q. 41-50): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions which follow:
A Research Institute is recruiting a librarian to digitise
its information resources among other duties. Candidates
must possess the following criteria. The candidate must
(I) be not less than 35 years and not exceed 40 years as
on 01.11.2009.
(II) have a Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information
Science with 65 per cent marks.
(III) have a PhD in Library Science.
(IV) have post qualification experience of at least 4 years
in a University Library.
However, if the candidate fulfils the above mentioned
criteria except
(A) (II), but has a UGC NET certification with all the
other above criteria fulfilled, he/she may be referred
to the Dean.
(B) (IV), but all the eligibility criteria are met and the
candidate has at least one year’s experience in a
research institute, he/she may be offered contractual
appointment for a year.
Based on the above criteria, study carefully whether the
following candidates are eligible for the recruitment
process and mark your answer as follows. You are not to
assume anything other than the information provided in
each question. All cases are given to you as on 1.11.2009.
Mark answer 1) if he/she is to be shortlisted.
Mark answer 2) if he/she is not to be shortlisted.
Mark answer 3) if he/she should be referred to the Dean.
Mark answer 4) if he/she may be offered contractual
appointment, if required.
Mark answer 5) if the data provided is inadequate to
take a decision.
41. Anil Rath has a doctorate in Library Science from
Karnataka University in 2003. Born on July 21, 1969, he
graduated in Library and Information Science from
Karnataka University, where he was Assistant Librarian
for four years since 2005.
42. Dr Samir Bali has a PhD in Library Science and has been with
the Institute of Fundamental Research as Assistant
Librarian since October 2008. He graduated with a degree
in Library and Information Science in 1994 at the age of 22.
He obtained 70 per cent in his graduation.43. Vaishali Shetty has been a librarian at STS University
since 2007 when she qualified in the UGC NET
examination. She has a degree in Library and Information
Science with 60 per cent. Her first job was as junior
librarian at TRP Institute of Development Research from
October 2000 to December 2001.
44. Vivek Jha has a PhD in Library and Information Science.
He graduated in Library and Information Science in 1992
with 65 per cent. He was born on 1.10.1974. Since July
2005, he has been working as Deputy Librarian at a
deemed University.
45. A graduate in Library Science with 69 per cent, Dr M Puri has
been working at Ranchi University for 4 years as Deputy
Librarian. She earned her doctorate while working for the
Labour Research Institute for 5 years as Assistant Librarian.
She is 38 years old as on the required date.
46. Megha Vaidya has a graduate degree in Library Science
from Punjab University where she has been a librarian for
the past 5 years. In 2002 she obtained UGC NET
qualification at the age of 29. She obtained 72 percent in
47. Anup Gupta is obtaining his PhD from YCM University,
where he has been Junior Librarian since 2004. He qualified
in the UGC NET exam in June 2000. He has a degree in
Library and Information Science with 62 per cent. His date
of birth is 17. 10. 1973.
48. Kirti Shukla obtained her doctorate and Bachelor’s degree
from Patna University. She obtained 63 per cent at
graduation. She obtained her UGC NET qualification in
1998 when she was 26.
49. Prakash Sinha has been a librarian for a government
institution for three years. Prior to this, he was a University
Librarian for 7 years after completing his PhD in Library
Science. He graduated in 1991 with 68 per cent in Library
Science. He is exactly 40 years of age on the specified date.
50. Rohan Sachdev obtained his UGC NET qualification after
his graduation in 1998 when he began working. He has been
Assistant Librarian for the past two years with a research
institute. He obtained 65 per cent in his graduation in
Library Science. He earned his PhD in Library Science in
2007. His date of birth is 22.10.1974.
Directions (Q. 51-55): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below :
Eight persons, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, are sitting around
a rectangular table in such a way that two persons sit on
each of the four sides of the table facing the centre. Persons
sitting on opposite sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces North and sits exactly opposite H. E is on the
immediate left of H. A and G sit on the same side. G is exactly
opposite B, who is on the immediate right of C. A is next to
the left of D.
51. Who is sitting opposite A?
1) G 2) D 3) E
4) A 5) None of these
52. Who is next to E in clockwise direction?
1) G 2) B 3) F
4) A or F 5) None of these
53. Which of the following pairs of persons has both the
persons sitting on the same side with first person sitting
to the right of second person?
1) DF 2) CB 3) FC
4) AG 5) None of these
54. Who is sitting opposite E?
1) D 2) A 3) F
4) A or D 5) None of these
55. Which of the following statements is definitely true?
1) A is facing North. 2) E is sitting opposite F.
3) F is to the left of G. 4) C is to the left of A.
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 56-60): Below is given a passage followed
by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the
facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference
separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its
degree of truth or falsity.
Mark answer 1) if the inference is ‘definitely true’, ie it properly
follows from the statement of facts given.
Mark answer 2) if the inference is ‘probably true’ though
not ‘definitely true’ in the light of the facts given.
Mark answer 3) if the ‘data are inadequate’, ie from the
facts given you cannot say whether the
inference is likely to be true or false.
Mark answer 4) if the inference is ‘probably false’ though
not ‘definitely false’ in the light of the facts given.
Mark answer 5) if the inference is ‘definitely false’, ie it
cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given
or it contradicts the given facts.
Aviation is important, both as an industry in its own
right and as a facilitator for the success and competitiveness
of other industries. The success of the aviation industry is
also integral to national competitiveness, economic
development and social progress. More importantly, aviation
supports those new economic sectors on which India’s future
prosperity relies, like Information Technology, Biotechnology,
Finance and Electronics. That India’s air transport industry
is on the rise is an undisputable fact. However, the Indian
economy will only achieve its true potential if we are able to
compete in the industries of the future. We need to be strong
in the areas with potential to grow and the role of India’s
aviation sector is critical in this regard.
56. India needs to make massive investments in
infrastructural development.
57. Growth in India’s aviation sector is important to its
economic development.
58. India has made substantial development in the
Biotechnology sector.
59. India has tremendous potential to grow in the emerging
60. Aviation sector in India has not fulfilled its role in the
past in its economic development.Directions (Q. 61-75): In each of the questions given below, which one of the five answer figures on the right should come
after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued?
Test-II: Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (Q. 76-85): What should come in place of
question mark (?) in the following questions?
76. ?
18 7.5 5 4
9 2 27 9
÷ × ÷
÷ × ÷
1) 4.5 2) 5.7 3) 2.5
4) 6.8 5) None of these
77. ?% of 280 + 18% of 550 = 143.8
1) 11 2) 18 3) 21
4) 16 5) None of these
78. 8.88 × 88.8 × 88 = ?
1) 68301.142 2) 79391.642 3) 65365.824
4) 76218.414 5) None of these
79. 2
2500 + 961 = (?)
1) 81 2) 3 3) 6561
4) 9 5) None of these
80. ?
1 + + =
1) 105
47 5 2) 105
58 4 3) 105
53 4
4) 105
43 5 5) None of these
81. 15 : 66 : : 185 : ?
1) 824 2) 644 3) 604
4) 814 5) None of these
82. 6412 ÷ 415 = 64?
1) 9 2) 3 3) 12
4) 7 5) None of these
83. 14% of 80 + ?% of 90 = 31.9
1) 16 2) 23 3) 18
4) 26 5) None of these
84. 97344 = ?
1) 302 2) 322 3) 292
4) 342 5) None of these
85. ?
3 − + =
1) 84
65 1 2) 84
8 3) 84
79 2
4) 84
47 5 5) None of theseDirections (Q. 86-90): What should come in place of
question mark (?) in the following number series?
86. 15 18 16 19 17 20 ?
1) 23 2) 22 3) 16
4) 18 5) None of these
87. 1050 420 168 67.2 26.88 10.752 ?
1) 4.3008 2) 6.5038 3) 4.4015
4) 5.6002 5) None of these
88. 0 6 24 60 120 210 ?
1) 343 2) 280 3) 335
4) 295 5) None of these
89. 32 49 83 151 287 559 ?
1) 1118 2) 979 3) 1103
4) 1120 5) None of these
90. 462 552 650 756 870 992 ?
1) 1040 2) 1122 3) 1132
4) 1050 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 91-95): What approximate value should
come in place of question mark(?) in the following question?
(Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
91. 5554.999 ÷ 50.007 = ?
1) 110 2) 150 3) 200
4) 50 5) 125
92. (18.001)3
 = ?
1) 5830 2) 5500 3) 6000
4) 6480 5) 5240
93. 23.001 × 18.999 × 7.998 = ?
1) 4200 2) 3000 3) 3500
4) 4000 5) 2500
94. 9999 ÷ 99 ÷ 9 = ?
1) 18 2) 15 3) 6
4) 11 5) 20
95. 22.005% of 449.999 = ?
1) 85 2) 100 3) 125
4) 75 5) 150
96. A sum of `731 is divided among A, B and C such that A
receives 25% more than B and B receives 25% less than
C. What is C’s share in the amount?
1) `172 2) `200 3) `262
4) `258 5) None of these
97. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
‘PRAISE’ be arranged?
1) 720 2) 610 3) 360
4) 210 5) None of these
98. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 150% and
the denominator of the fraction is increased by 300%,
the resultant fraction is 18
. What is the original fraction?
1) 9
2) 5
3) 9
5) None of these
99. A car covers the first 39 km of its journey in 45 minutes
and the remaining 25 km in 35 minutes. What is the
average speed of the car?
1) 40 km/hr 2) 64 km/hr 3) 49 km/hr
4) 48 km/hr 5) None of these
100. Four examiners can examine a certain number of answer
papers in 10 days by working for 5 hours a day. For how
many hours in a day would 2 examiners have to work in
order to examine twice the number of answer papers in
20 days?
1) 8 hours 2) 2
7 hours 3) 10 hours
4) 2
8 hours 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 101-105): In each of these questions,
two equations are given. You have to solve these equations
and find out the values of x and y and
Give answer If
1) x < y
2) x > y
3) x ≤ y
4) x ≥ y
5) x = y
101.I. 16x2
 + 20x + 6 = 0
II. 10y2
 + 38y + 24 = 0
102.I. 18x2
 + 18x + 4 = 0
II. 12y2
 + 29y + 14 = 0
103.I. 8x2
 + 6x = 5
II. 12y2
 - 22y + 8 = 0
104.I. 17x2
 + 48x = 9
II. 13y2
 = 32y - 21
105.I. 4x + 7y = 209
II. 12x - 14y = -38
Directions (Q. 106-110): Study the pie-chart carefully
to answer the following questions.
Percentage of students enrolled in different activities
in a school Total number of students = 3000
24% Drawing
16%Percentage break-up of girls enrolled in these activities
out of the total students Total number of girls = 1750
106.What is the approximate percentage of boys in the
1) 34 2) 56 3) 28 4) 50 5) 42
107.How many boys are enrolled in Singing and Craft
1) 505 2) 610 3) 485
4) 420 5) None of these
108.What is the total number of girls enrolled in Swimming
and Drawing together?
1) 480 2) 525 3) 505
4) 495 5) None of these
109.The number of girls enrolled in Dancing form what per
cent of the total number of students in the school? (round
off to two digits after decimal)
1) 12.35 2) 14.12 3) 11.67
4) 10.08 5) None of these
110.What is the ratio of the number of girls enrolled in
Swimming to the number of boys enrolled in Swimming?
1) 47 : 49 2) 23 : 29 3) 29 : 23
4) 49 : 47 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 111-115): Study the following graph
carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Total number of students appeared and qualified from
various schools at a scholarship exam
Number of students
111.The average number of students qualified in the
examination from Schools C and D is what per cent of
the average number of students appeared for the
examination from the same schools? (rounded off to two
digits after decimal)
1) 58.62 2) 73.91 3) 62.58
4) 58.96 5) None of these
112.What is the ratio of the number of students appeared to
the number of students qualified at the scholarship exam
from School C?
1) 7 : 12 2) 6 : 5 3) 9 : 13
4) 9 : 10 5) None of these
113.What is the ratio of the number of students qualified in
the scholarship examination from School A and the
number of students qualified in the examination from
school B?
1) 8 : 3 2) 5 : 7 3) 7 : 3
4) 9 : 5 5) None of these
114.The number of students appeared for the scholarship
exam from School D is approximately what per cent of
the total number of students appeared for the exam from
all the schools together?
1) 12 2) 24 3) 29
4) 18 5) 8
115.What is the difference between the average number of
students appeared in the scholarship exam from all the
given schools and the average number of students
qualified from all the schools together?
1) 950 2) 1100 3) 990
4) 1020 5) None of these
116.The difference between the amount of compound
interest and simple interest accrued on an amount of
`26,000 at the end of 3 years is `2994.134. What is the
rate of interest pcpa?
1) 22 2) 17 3) 19
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
117. On a shelf there are 4 books on Economics, 3 books on
Management and 4 books on Statistics. In how many
different ways can the books be arranged so that the
books on Economics are kept together?
1) 967680 2) 20960 3) 5040
4) 40320 5) None of these
118. 6 women and 6 men together can complete a piece of
work in 6 days. In how many days can 15 men alone
complete the same work if 9 women alone can complete
it in 10 days?
1) 6 2) 5 3) 7.2
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
119.Ravi borrowed some money at the rate of 4 pcpa for the
first three years, at the rate of 8 pcpa for the next two
years and at the rate of 9 pcpa for the period beyond 5
years. If he pays a total simple interest of `19,550 at the
end of 7 years, how much money did he borrow?
1) `39,500 2) `42,500 3) `41,900
4) `43,000 5) None of these