Saturday 6 July 2013


151. Cost of production of the producer is given by:
(a) sum of wages paid to labourers. (b) sum of wages and interest paid on capital.
(c) sum of wages, interest, rent and supernormal profit. (d) sum of wages,interest,rent andnormal profit.
152. ‘Kesari’, the Newspaper was started by
(a) G.K.Gokhale   (b) B.G. Tilak  (c) SardarPatel   (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
153. When was the Indian Constitution adopted?
(a) 15th August, 1947   (b) 26th November, 1949 (c) 26th January, 1950    (d) 2nd October, 1952
154. Which one of the following is the smallest endocrine glandin huma nbody ?
(a) Adrenal         (b) Thyroid                        (c) Pituitary        (d) Pancreas
155. Double is a_______data type.
(a) primitive      (b) user defined               (c) system defined           (d) local
156. Yellow spots on citrus leaves is due to the deficiency
(a) Zinc (b) Magnesium                 (c) Boron (d) Iron
157. RangaswamiCupis associat­edwith
(a) Wrestling     (b) Football        (c) Hockey (d) Golf
158. The working of a rockets based on the principleof:
(a) Conservationofmomentum   (b) Conservationofmass (c) Conservationof energy   (d) Conservationof angularmomentum
159. Which one of the following is a Wild Life Sanctuary ?
(a) Jaldapara (b) Garumara   (c) Corbett (d) Chapramari
160. The river which is used for inland waterways inIndia is .
(a) Ganga (b) Cauveri  (c) Mahi (d) Luni
161. The atmospheric layer closest to the earth  is:
(a) Mesosphere (b) Hydrosphere  (c) Troposphere (d) Ionosphere
162. ‘Yellow Revolution’ is associated with the productionof
(a) Poultry (b) Gold   (c) Sunflower (d) Oil seeds
163. Underthe“IndiraGandhiNational OldAge PensionScheme”, theamountofpensionfor those above 80yearshasbeen increasedper monthfrom `200to
(a) ` 300 (b) ` 400 (c) ` 500 (d) `1000
164. The state which has recently overtaken Karnatakafor thetoprankintheproduction ofbio-fertilisers is                           (a) TamilNadu (b) Gujarat    (c) Maharashtra (d) Punjab
165. Theupper houseof the StateLegislature in India is called
(a) LegislativeCouncil  (b) Legislative Assembly   (c) ExecutiveCouncil   (d) Governor - in-Council
166. Maximum number of sugar factories are  locatedin
(a) UttarPradesh (b) TamilNadu    (c) Bihar (d) Assam
167. The All Women Expedition Team of the  Indian Air Force which scaled the Mount Everest some timebackwasheadedby
(a) Sqn.Ldr. D.Panda (b) Sqn.Ldr. NirupamaPandey (c) Flt.Lt. NiveditaChoudhary (d) Flt.Lt. RajikaSharma
168. Whilecomputingnationalincomeestimates, which of the following is required to be observed?
(a) Thevalueofexports tobe addedandthevalueof imports tobesubtracted
(b) Thevalueofexports tobesubtractedand thevalue of imports to beadded
(c) The value of both exports and imports tobe added
(d) The value of both exports and imports tobe subtracted
169. If the Prime Minister of India submits his resignationtothePresident,itwillmeanthe resignationof the
(a) Prime Minister only (b) Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers (c) EntireCouncil of Ministers
(d) Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and theSpeaker
170. A fusewire ismadeof:  (a) an alloy of tinandcopper(b) an alloyof tinandlead(c) an alloy of tinand aluminium  (d) analloyofnickel andchromium
171. Iltutmishestablisheda centreof learningat
(a) Multan (b) Kolkata    (c) Alwar (d) Patna
172. The energy that can harness heat stored belowthe earth’s surface isknown as ;
(a) thermalenergy (b) nuclearenergy (c) tidalenergy (d) geothermalenergy
173. Thetemperature ofboilingwater ina steam enginemaybehighbecause
(a) there aredissolvedsubstances inwater (b) there is low pressure inside theboiler
(c) there is highpressure inside theboiler (d) thefire isatveryhightemperature
174. Konark which has famous ‘Sun God Temple’ with wonderful specimens ofHinduarchitecture lies inthe stateof:
(a) Orissa (b) Gujarat  (c) Karnataka (d) MadhyaPradesh
175. AGMARKis a guaranteeof standard                                (a) quality (b) quantity (c) weight (d) size
176. VectorofKala-azar is              (a) Anophelesmosquito (b) Culexmosquito (c) Tse-Tsefly (d) Sandfly
177. TheWorld DaytoCombat Desertificationis observedevery,yearon:
(a) 4thMay (b) 17th June (c) 14th August (d) 3rd October
178. Incasenopartyenjoys absolutemajorityin the Legislative Assembly of a state, the Governorwill  go by   (a) the adviceof formerChief Minister (b) theadviceof thePrime Minister
(c) the advice of thePresident ofIndia (d) his owndiscretion
179. The planet that takes 88 days to make one revolutionof the sunis
(a) Mercury (b) Saturn (c) Jupiter (d) Mars
180. The chief raw material used for manufacturing Rayonis
(a) Nylon (b) Cellulose (c) Silicon (d) Radium and Argon
181. ‘Giddha’is aformofdance associatedwith thestateof
(a) Punjab (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Haryana (d) Rajasthan
182. Thegasusedtodiluteoxygen forbreathing bydeepseadivers is
(a) Neon (b) Argon (c) Nitrogen (d) Helium
183. An instrument used to measure humidity is:
(a) Anemometer (b) Hygrometer (c) Thermometer (d) Pyrheliometer
184. Fat can be separated from milk in a cream separatorbecause of:
(a) Cohesiveforce (b) Gravitational force (c) Centripetalforce (d) Centrifugalforce
185. Themarketprice is relatedto
(a) veryshortperiod (b) shortperiod (c) longperiod (d) verylongperiod
186. The airways company acquired by South India’s ‘Sun Group’ is
(a) Go Air (b) IndiGo (c) Spice Jet (d) Jet Airways
187. India is a secular state because in our country:
(a) statehas no religion  (b) religion hasbeenabolished (c) statepatronises aparticular religion (d) Noneof these
188. Who was themotherof Mahavira ?
(a) Yashoda (b) Trishala (c) Jameli (d) Mahamaya
189. Equilibriumprice is thepricewhen
(a) supplyisgreater thandemand (b) supplyis less than demand (c) demandisveryhigh (d) supplyis equal todemand
190. The Third battle of Panipat was fought in  theyear
(a) 1526 A. D. (b) 1556 A. D.  (c) 1761 A.D. (d) 1776 A.D.
191. Which of the following years has been rankedasone of thethreewarmest years ?
(a) 2006 (b) 2008 (c) 2009 (d) 2010
192. Cadmiumpollutionis associatedwith
(a) Minamatadisease (b) Blackfootdisease  (c) Dyslexia (d) Itaiitai
193. TheGreatBathof Indus ValleyCivilization is foundat;
(a) Harappa (b) Mohenjodaro (c) Ropar (d) Kalibangan
194. Whoinvented‘Helicopter’?
(a) Cockrell (b) Brequet (c) Otis (d) FrankWhittle
195. Mostof the computers available todayare
(a) 3rdgenerationcomputers (b) 4thgeneration computers (c) 5thgeneration computers
(d) 6thgeneration computers
196. Bleachingpowder is preparedbypassing
(a) Chlorineover slakedlime (b) Oxygenover slakedlime (c) Carbondioxideover slakedlime (d) Chlorineoverquicklime
197. Gas releasedduringBhopal tragedywas
(a) Sodiumisothiocyanate (b) Potassiumisothiocyanate(c) Ethylisothiocyanate(d) Methylisothiocyanate
198. ‘NationalBotanicalGarden’ is located at
(a) Shimla (b) Kolkata(c) Lucknow (d) Bengaluru
199. October and November monthsgive more rainfall to
(a) MalwaPlateau(b) ChotaNagpurPlateau(c) Eastern Hills(d) CoromandalCoast
200. Whichoneof thefollowingis consideredas nature’s radar ?
(a) Hippopotamus (b) Pigeon (c) Vulture (d) Owl
151. (d) 152. (b) 153. (b) 154. (c) 155. (a) 156. (b) 157. (c) 158. (a) 159. (c) 160. (a)
161. (c) 162. (d) 163. (c) 164. (a) 165. (a) 166. (a) 167. (b) 168. (a) 169. (c) 170. (b)
171. (d) 172. (d) 173. (c) 174. (a) 175.(a) 176. (d) 177. (b) 178. (d) 179. (a) 180. (b)
181. (a) 182. (d) 183. (b) 184. (d) 185. (a) 186. (c) 187. (a) 188. (b) 189. (d) 190. (c)

191. (d) 192. (d) 193. (b) 194. (b) 195. (b) 196. (a) 197. (d) 198. (b) 199. (d) 200. (b)