Saturday 6 April 2013


General economics  (50 marks)
1.      In economics, the central economic problem means:
a)      Output is restricted to the  limited availability of resources
b)      Consumers do not have as much money as they would wish
c)      There will always be certain level of unemployment
d)      Resources are not always allocated in an optimum way
2.      The other names of ..................method are abstract,analytical and priori method
a)      Inductive method                      b) Economic method
c)Deductive method                       d)  Name of the above
3.      All on PPC show that goods and services are produced at :
a)      Least cost and some resources are wasted
b)      High cost and no resources are wasted
c)      Least cost and no resources are wasted
d)      Moderate cost and no resources are wasted
4.      Which of the following is a cause of an economic problem
a)      Scarcity of resources      b) unlimited wants
c)   Alternative uses               d) All of the above
5.      Calculate income elasticity for the household when the income of a household rises by 10%,the demand for rice reses by 5%
a)-.5           b)        +.5c)    -2 d)     +2
6.      When two goods are perfect substitutes of each other then
a)      MRS is falling               b) MRS is rising          c) MRS is constant      d) None of the above
7.      The Law of scarcity
a)      Does not apply to rich, developed countries
b)      Does not apply to poor, under develiped countries
c)      Implies only to socialist economies
d)      Implies that all consumer wants will never be completely satisfied
8.      Scarcity definition of economis is given by
a)      Alfred Marshall             b) J B say       c) Allen and Hicks      d) Robbins
9.      In case of Giffin good,the demand curve will be
a)      Horizontal        b) Downward sloping to the right      c) vertical      d) Upward sloping
10.   Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
a)      The services of doctors, lawyers,teachers etc are termed as probuction
b)      Man cannot create matter
c)      Accumulation of capital does not depend solely on income
d)      None oof the above
11.   Which is the other name given to Average revenue curve ?
a.      Profit curve           b. Demand curve               c. Controller of credit             d. Income curve
12.   Which of the following is not the function of RBI ?
a)      Issue of currency                                    b) bankers’s bank        
        c) Controller of credit                                   d) banker to general public
13.  The IMF was set UP in :
a)      1945                  b) 1946                c) 1947               d) 1950
14.  1 is defined by RBI (as per latest definition) as
a)      Currency + Deposits other deposits with RBI
b)      Currency +Demand Deposits + other deposits with RBI
c)      Currency + Fixed Deposits +other deposits with RBI
d)      Currency + Time Deposits +other deposits with RBI
15.  Nationalised Banks include :
a)      SBI          b) Citibank        c) American Express Bank         d) All of the above
16.   Two Nationalized banks were merged in the year :
a)1991           b) 1975           c) 1980                 d) 1993
17.   Out of 5.6lakh villages in india, only ..............villages are being served by commercial banks:
a)      56,000                b) 10,000           c) 5,000         d) 50,000
18.  100 percent privatization has taken place in :
a)      VSNL               b) Hindustan Zine           c) IBP Company        d) Centaur Hotel
19.  The disinvestment programme was started in :
a)      1990-91          b)1991-92           c) 1995-96        d) 1997-98
20.  TRIPs stand for :
a)      Trade Related intellectual property  Rights
b)      Transaction Related intellectual property Rights
c)      Trade Related intelligence property rights
d)      Trade related international property rights
21.   100% FDI is permitted is :
a)      Oil Refineries                b) Banking            c) Insurance               d) Defense
22.   Duty free export credit scheme has been revamped and re-cast into :
a)      Made in India model                                  b) Served from India Scheme          
       c) India’s Shining Scheme                                d) EPCG Scheme
23.  Export promotion capital Goods scheme was abolished in :
a)      1991              b) 2002            c) 2005           d) False, it is still continuing
24.  Financial sector reforms mainly relate to :
a)      Banking sector reforms                           b) Capital reforms     
       c) Insurance sector reforms                          d) All of the above
25.  FDI has been allowed in defense upto :
a)      74%          b) 49%         c) 26%         d) 100%
26.   Administered prices means
a)      Prices fixed bt private secttor under the guidance of government
b)      Prices fixed by consumer forums
c)      Prices fixed by the Government and private sector
d)      Price level fixed by the Government
27.   Price support policy means :
a)      Price at which government would be buying agricultural products from farmers
b)      Prices at which farmers will be selling goods to the private sector
c)      Subsidy received by farmers from government
d)      None of the above
28.   Stagflation :
a)       Means prices are falling and purchasing power is increasing
b)      Is in the form of a low rate of growth combined with the general price level increase
c)      Means high rate of growth combined with rise in the general price level
d)      Means that due to increase in the cost of products, prices of final products areincreasing
29.  NPE stands far
a)      National Policy on Education                                         b) Nuclear Policy on Electronics               
       c) National Policy On Electronics                                         d) National Policy On Elections
30.   Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan was launched in the year
a)      2000-01                 b) 2001-02               c) 2002-03             d)2004-05
31.   Secondary education prepares students in the age group of:
a)      14-16 year         b) 14-18 year            c) 12-18 year       d) None of above
32.   National Literacy mission was launched for :
a)      Primary education                                 b) Secondary education      
c) Adult education                                        d) All of the above
33.  Postal system was started in india in the year :
a)      1837             b)1847           c) 1857           d) 1867
34.  Which is not the problem faced by indian ports ?
a)      Inadequate dredging and container handling facilities
b)      Inefficient and non optimal deployment of port equipment
c)      Proper coordination in the entire chain
d)      Operational constrains such as frequent break down of cargo handing equipment due to obsolescence
35.  GRT stands for
a)      Gross Registered Tonnage                 b) Gross Regular Tonnage       
c) Gross Regulated Tonne                         d) Gross Registered Tollage
36.  Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd provides helicopter support services to:
a)      Petroleum sector                                b) Sate and Union Territory government           
       c) Public sector undertaking                   d) All of the above
37.  India has a long coastline of :
a)      7517 km, 12 major ports and 187 minor ports
b)      7518 km, 12 major ports and 87 minor ports
c)      7517 km, 11 major ports and 187 minor ports
d)      7577 km, 12 major ports and 187 minor ports
38.  For the prices taking firm:
a)      Marginal revenue is less than price
b)      Marginal revenue is equal to price
c)      Marginal revenue is greater than price
d)      The relationship between marginal revenue and price is indeterminate
39.  A monopolist is able to maximize his profits when :
a)      His output is maximum                         b)  He charges highprice
c) His average cost is minimum                  d)His marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue
40.  In imperfect competition :
a)      Excess capacity always exists                         b) Excess capacity never exists            
c) Excess capacity may or may not exist             d) None of the above
41.  In long run in perfectly competitive market there will be :
a)      Normal profit            b) super normal profit            c) losses          d) none of the above
42.  In perfect competition utilization of resources is
a)      Partial           b) Moderate                 c) Full            d) Over
43.  Which of following statements is false ?
a)      For equilibrium the main codition is MC=MR
b)      AR curve and Demand curve are same
c)      MC and AC curves are U- shaped in every market
d)      None of the above
44.  Product differentiation is the most important ferture of :
a)      Monopolistic Competition                      b) Monopoly         
c) Oligopoly                                                      d) Perfect Completition
45.  MC=MR and MC cuts MR from below is a true equilibrium condition in :
a)      Short run          b) Long run        c) Both in short run and long run      d) None of theabove
46.  Price discrimination occurs when :
a)      Producer sells a specific commodity or service to different buyers for the same price
b)      Producer sells specific commodity or service to different buyers at two or more differnt prices due to differences in cost
c)      Producer sells specific commodity or service to different buyers at two or more differnt prices for reasons not associated with differece in cost
d)      Produser under perfect competition sells different  goods to consumers at different prices
47.  Mr curve under Monopoly lies between AR and Y-axis because,the rate of decline of the MR is
a)      Just helf of the rate of decline of A.R.
b)      Just equal to the rate of decline of A.R.
c)      Just triple the rate of decline of the average revenue
d)      Just double the rate of decline of the average revenue
48.   In a perfectly competitive firm,MC curve above AVC IS THE ............ Curve of the firm
a)      Average cost               b) marginal revenue          c) demand         d) supply
49.  In the long run, normal profits are included in the .............curve.
a)      LAC             b) LMC            c) AFC          d) SAC
50.  If (P+1) th term of A.P. is twice the (q+1)th term;then the ratio of (p+q+1)th term and (3P+1)th term is :
a)      1:2             b)2:1             c) 1:3               d) None of these
51.  If the common difference of an A.P. equals to the first term,then the ratio of its mth term and nth term is :
a)      n : m                b) m:n           c) m2:m2          d) None of these
52.  if the mth term of A.P is 1/n and the nth term is 1/m, then its mnth term is :
a)      1               b) -1                 c) 0            d) None of these
53.  Sum the series upto terms  1/2.5  +  1/5.8 +  1/8.11 + ......................
a)      n/ 2(3n+2)                  b) –n/ 2(3n+2)            c) n/2(3n-2)          d) None of these
54.  which term of the series 0.004 + 0.1+ ....................... is 12.5
a)      5           b) 10         c) 6           d) None of these
55.  Find the compound interest on Rs.2,000 at 5% per annum, compounded yearly for 2 ½ years.
a)      RS. 250                 b) Rs. 250.50            c) Rs. 260.12             d) None of these
56.  At what rate percent S upto n terms  1/2.5  +  1/5.8 +  1/8.11 + ......................
a)      n/ 2(3n+2)                  b) –n/ 2(3n+2)            c) n/2(3n-2)          d) None of these
57.  if the compound interest on certain sum for 2 years at 3 % be Rs. 101.50, what would be the S.L ?
a)      RS. 100                      b) Rs. 200            c) Rs 300            d) None of these
58.  The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum of money at 5 % per annum for 2 years is Rs 1.50 find the sum.
a)      Rs. 500               b) Rs. 700             c) Rs. 600              d) None of these
59.  A batsman in his 17th innings markes a score of 85 and thereby increases his average by 3. What is his average after 17th innings ?
a)      37             b) 35               c) 36            d) None of these
60.  A person travels from A to B at the rate of 20 km/h and from B to A at the rate of 30 km/hr. What is the average rate for whole journey ?
a)      20 km/hr                    b) 24 km/hr.            c) 30 km/hr.        d) None of these
61.  A person divides his journey into three equal parts and decides to travel on three parts at the speeds of 40,30 and 15 km/hr respectively. Find his average speed during the whole journey.
a)      30 km/hr.                b) 24 km/hr.               c) 35 km./hr           d) None of these
62.  A person covers 12km at 3 km/hr,18 km at 9 km/hr and 24 km at 4 km/hr. find the average speed in covering the whole distance.
a)      4.5 km./hr.               b) 5 km./hr                c) 10 km./hr            d) None of these
63.  A person runs the first 1/5th of the didttance at 2 km/hr, the next one half at 3 km/hr and the remaining distance at 1 km/hr. find his average speed.
a)      15/17 km./hr.           b) 30/17 km./hr.                 c) 17/30 km./hr.          d) None of these
64.  The mean of 100 observations is 50. If one of the observations which was 50 is replaced by 40, the resulting mean will be
a)      40           b)49.90           c) 50               d) None of these
65.  The combined mean of three groups is 12 and the combined mean of first two groups is 3. If the first, second and third groups have 2,3 and 5 items respectively, then the mean of third group is
a)      10              b) 21            c) 12             d) 13
66.  Mode is
a)      Least frequent value                                 b) middle most value      
c) most frequent value                                   d) None of these
67.  If the arithmetic mean of two numbers is 10 and their geometric mean is 8, the numbers are
a)      20,5                 b)  16,4             c) 15,5                d) 12,8
68.  A frequency distribution can be presented graphically by a
a)      Pia diagram                 b) Histogram           c) pictogram            d) line diagram
69.  In co-verince method the sum of difference of rank is
a)      1             b) -1            c) 0                d) Connot say
70.  The relation between the production of pig iron and soot content in a factory is
a)      Positive           b) Negative         c) 0                d) None of these
71.  If the relation between two randim veriable X and Y is 2X + 3Y = 4, then the correlation coefficient between them is
a)      -2/3               b) 1              c) -1             d) None of these
72.  For a two way frequency table having (mxn) classification the total number of cell is
a)      M                 b) n             c) m+n              d) mn
73.   For a mxn two way or bivariate frequncy table, the maximum nuber of marginal distribution is
a)      1              b) 2             c) m +n             d) m.n
74.  The correlation cofficient r is the ....................... of the two regression coefficients
a)      G.M.               b) H.M.              c) arithmetic mean          d) None of these
75.  Each and every index number is independent of unit of measurment
a)      True                   b) False            c) Both (a) & (b)       d) None of these
76.  For factor reversal test : P01 X Q01 = S P1Q1 / S P0 Q0 = true Ratio (T.V.R.)  This is
a)      False             b) True             c) Both (a) & (b)       d) None of these
77.  Factor reversal test is satisfied by
a)      Fisher’s ideal index number                        b) Laspeyre’s index number         
      c) Paasche’s index number                                 d) All of the above
78.  During a certain period, the cost of living index number goes up from 110 to 200 and the salary of the worker if also raised from Rs.3,250 to Rs. 5,000. Does the worker really gain ?
a)      No              b) Yes            c) cannot determine           d) None of these
79.  Ticket numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and a tiket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn bears a number which is multiple of 3 or 7 ?
a)      1/5           b) 2/5          c) 3/5            d) None of these
80.  A card is drawn from a playing cards at random. What is the probability that the card drawn is neither a king nor a heart ?
a)      4/13          b) 9/13           c) 2/13        d) None of these
81.  A bag contains 3 red,5 yellow and 4 green balls. 3 balls are drawn at random. Find the chance that balls drawn contain exactly two green balls.
a)      12/55           b) 10/55          c) 13/55           d) None of these
82.  A husband and a wife appear in an interview for two vacancies in the same post. The probability of husband’s selection is 3/5 and that of wife’s selection is 1/5. Than the probability that only one of them is selected is
a)      16/25          b) 17/25             c) 14/25              d) None of these
83.  A bag contain 4 white black balls. Another contains 3 white and  5 black balls. If one ball is drawn from each bag. Than the probability that one is white and one is black is
a)      11/24           b) 13/24         c) 15/25           d)None of these
84.  Poison distribution is a biparametric distribution. This is
a)      True                   b) False              c) Either (a) or (b)         d) None of these
85.  Binomial distribution is a biparametric distribution. This is
a)      True                   b) False              c) Either (a) or (b)         d) None of these
86.  If x and y are two independent variance follow poison distribution in the parameters m1&m2 respectively. If z = x +y and also follows the poison distribution then the parameter of Z is
a)      m1-m2                 b) m1+ m2                  c) m1.m2                  d) None of these
87.  If X and Y are two independent variables such that x –B (n1,P) and y – B (n2,P) then the parameter of Z = X + Y is
a)      (n1+ n2),P           b) (n1- n2),P             c) (n1+ n2),2P           d) None of these
88.  The Binomial or poison distribution could be uni- modal or bi- modal. This is
a)      True                   b) False            c) Either (a) & (b)       d) None of these
89.  If X be a normal variate with mean 3 and variances 16, find the value of t such that : p (3 < x <t  ) = 0.4772 (Given : P ( Z < 2 ) = 0.9772, where Z is N (0,1) variate)
a)      10             b) 11            c) 12        d) None of these
90.  A bag contains 5 red and 4 blackballs. A ball is drawn at random from the bag and put into another bag contains 3 red and 7 balls. A ball is drawn randomly from the second bag what is probability that it is red
a)      32/99                 b) 1/3         c) 74/99      d) None of these
91.  A committee of 4 persons is to be appointed from 3 officers of the production depertment, 4 officers of the purchase department,two officers of the sales department and 1 chartered accountant. Find the chance there must be one from each category.
a)      4/35             b) 3/35           c) 1/7           d) None of these
92.  A committee of 4 persons is to be appointed from 3 officers of the production depertment, 4 officers of the purchase department,two officers of the sales department and 1 chartered accountant. Find the chance that it should have at least one from the purchase department.
a)      4/35                b) 39/42            c) 42/105           d) None of these
93.  A committee of 4 persons is to be appointed from 3 officers of the production depertment, 4 officers of the purchase department,two officers of the sales department and 1 chartered accountant. Find the chance that the chartered Accountant must be in the committee
a)      4/35             b) 39/42              c) 42/105            d) None of these
94.  Six boys and five girls are to be seated in a such that no two girls and no two boys sit together. Find the number of ways in which this can be done.
a)      86,400             b) 85,000            c) 85,400     d) None of these
95.  A six faced die is so biased that it is twice as likely to show an even number as an odd number when it is thrown. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers is even.
a)      4/9             b) 5/9                   c) 3/8                     d) None of these
96.  A and B select a digit at random from 0,1,2,3,...................9 independently. Find the chance that the product of the two digits chosen is Zero.
a)      1/5            b) 2/5          c) 4/5    d) None of these
97.  In the sequnce (Xn) where X= 195/4n! –  n + 3P3/(n + 1)! & nEN, the set of natural numbers. The number of positive terms is
a)      1        b) 2         c) 4           d) 5    
98.  If 1/x+y,  1/2y,  1/y+2 are in A.P., then x, y, z are in
a)      A.P.         b) G.P.          c) cannot determined       d) None of these

1.   Which of the following statements is correct?
      a.  Real GDP is the total market value of the final goods and
           services produced in America for sale in a year valued in the prices of 1992.
      b.  Your buying stock in the stock market is an example of investment spending
      c.  Potential Real GDP is always greater than Equilibrium Real GDP
      d.  Social security and welfare are examples of spending on infrastructure.
      e.  All of the above

2.   The period of the business cycle in which real GDP is increasing is called the:   
       a.  expansion    b.  peak    c.  recession     d.  trough     e.  stagflation

3.   Assume that, in the population, 95 million people worked for pay last week, 5 million people did not work for pay but had been seeking a job, 5 million people did not work for pay and had not been seeking a job for the past several months, and 45 million were under age 16.  The unemployment rate, given these numbers, is:
       a.  5%     b.  8%     c.  10%     d.  20%     e.  45%

4.  A type of unemployment in which workers are in-between jobs or are searching for new and better jobs is called _______ unemployment:
       a.  frictional      b.  cyclical       c.  structural      d.  turnover   

5.  Consider three consumer goods: 100 of Good A, 100 of Good B, and 100 of Good C.  In the base year, Good A sold at a price of $1, Good B sold at a price of $1, and Good C sold at a price of $1.  In the current year, Good A sold at a price of $3, Good B sold at a price of $5, and Good C sold at a price of $10.  The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the current year is:
      a.  100      b.  300     c.  500     d.  600     e.  1000

6.  Which of the following is a "loser" from unexpected inflation?
      a.  workers with COLAs          c.  people who own Treasury Bills
      b.  the middle class                  d.  people who own homes and have fixed-rate mortgages

7.  If the nominal interest rate on a checking account is 2% and the inflation rate is 3% this year, the real interest rate is:
       a.  5%     b.  2%     c.  2/3%     d. –1%     e.  3%

8.  Which of the following would cause the demand curve for automobiles to shift to the left?
      a.  an increase in the price of the automobiles
      b.  an increase in the interest rate paid to borrow money to pay for the automobile
      c.  an increase in buyers' incomes
      d.  an increase in the cost of production of automobiles
9.  Suppose it is announced that industry analysts are predicting that decreased oil supplies from Iraq will cause gasoline prices to rise, beginning next month.  In the current week, the announcement would:
     a.  shift the supply of gasoline right       c.  shift the demand for gasoline left
     b.  shift the demand for gasoline right   d.  have no effect on the demand or supply of gasoline
10. "At the price of $500, tickets for the Super Bowl are expensive.  Yet, the are long lines of people who wish to buy them.  Many people who desire tickets will not be able to find them."
    From this quote, we know that the price of Super Bowl tickets must be:
    a.  below equilibrium   b. above equilibrium   c. equal to equilibrium

11. Assume that the market for computers begins in equilibrium.  Then, there is a decrease in a price of Pentium processors used in the production of computers.  When the new equilibrium is reached,
    a.  the price and quantity of computers will both have risen
    b.  the price and quantity of computers will both have fallen
    c.  the price of computers will have risen and the quantity will have fallen
    d.  the price of computers will have fallen and the quantity will have risen

12. Assume that the market for the stock of Microsoft begins in equilibrium.  Then, both buyers and sellers expect that the new Linux (a competitor of Microsoft Windows) will be a large success, reduing Microsoft sales.  When the new equilibrium is reached,
    a.  the price and quantity of the stock will both have risen
    b.  the price and quantity of the stock will both have fallen
    c.  the quantity of the stock will fall and the price will rise
    d.  the quantity of the stock will fall but the effect on price cannot be determined
    e.  the price of the stock will fall but the effect on quantity cannot be determined

13. Assume that the market for Mexican pesos begin in equilibrium.  Then, the Mexican economy experiences a severe recession.  Because of the recession, the Mexican companies lower their prices. As a result of the recession and lower prices in Mexico:
    a.  the dollar depreciates and the peso appreciates  c.  the dollar and the peso both appreciate
    b.  the dollar appreciates and the peso depreciates  d.  the dollar and the peso both depreciate


14.  Which of the following is an example of "portfolio investment"?
     a.  An American places funds in a savings account in Canada
b.  Tokyo Bank of Japan buys Union Bank of the United States
c.  Saturn Corp. (owned by General Motors) builds a new factory in Tennessee
 d.  An American puts $10,000 into a money market fund
     e.  All of the above



15. Which of the following would cause the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right?
      a.  an increase in purchases by the federal government
      b.  an increase in real interest rates
      c.  an appreciation of the American dollar
      d.  a decrease in the money supply

16.  Assume that an economy begins in macroeconomic equilibrium.  Then, taxes are  significantly decreased.  As a result of this change:
       a.  there is expansion and inflation in the US     c.  there is stagflation in the US
       b.  there is recession and deflation in the US     d.  there is expansion and deflation in the US

17. A large increase in oil prices, such as the ones occurring in 1973 and 1979, will cause
      a.  inflation and expansion               c.  inflation and recession
      b.  recession and disinflation           d.  expansion and deflation

18. Assume that production in the United States is valued at $10,000.  National income is therefore $10,000.  Of their income, workers pay $1,000 in taxes, save $500, spend $8,000 on consumer goods, and spend $500 on imports.  Businesses spend $1,000 in new investment spending.  And, foreigners spend $500 on exports.  In order to avoid any problems of inflation or unemployment, the government should have a budget deficit or surplus of:
     a.  0         b.  $500 surplus     c.  $500 deficit     d.  $1,000 deficit    e.  $2,000 deficit                

19.  From 1990 to 1995, the U.S. economy was in a recessionary gap.  According to the classical economists, which of the following should have occurred?
       a.  wages should have fallen which would cause more workers to be hired
       b.  prices should have fallen which would increase consumer spending
       c.  interest rates should have fallen which would increase consumer and investment spending
       d.  all of the above should have occurred

20.  Which of the following statements is/are true about the classical quantity theory of money?
       a.  The equation of exchange is MV = PQ
       b.  The classical economists assumed that V would rise when real interest rates rise
c.       The classical economists concluded that increases in the money supply cause increases
      in real GDP and nothing else
       d. all of the above

21.    Assume that the United States and Great Britain are both on the Gold Standard.  There is
inflation in the United States but not in Great Britain.  As a result of the inflation in the United States,
a.       Gold would leave the United States and go to Great Britain
b.      Gold would leave Great Britain and go to the United States
c.       The American dollar would depreciate
d.      The American money supply would increase

22.  At an income of $100,000, I spent $90,000 on consumer goods.  When my income rose to $200,000, I spent $160,000 on consumer goods.  My marginal propensity to consume is:
       a.  0.9     b.  0.8     c.  0.7     d.  1     e.  $70,000

23.  National             Disposable
       Income    Taxes  Income    Consumption Investment Government
       $100       $100           0               $ 50                $ 25            $100
         200         100       100                125                   25              100
         300         100       200                200                   25              100
         400         100       300                275                   25              100
         500         100       400                350                   25              100
         600         100       500                425                   25              100
         700         100       600                500                   25              100
         800         100       700                575                   25              100

       Using these numbers, the equilibrium real GDP (equal to National Income) is:
       a.  300     b.  400     c.  500     d.  600     e.  700

24.  Which of the following would cause consumption to rise?
       a.  the GDP Deflator rises
       b.  a greater proportion of the population is between age 20 and 30
       c.  transitory income increases
       d.  income is taken from poor people and given to rich people

25.  Which of the following would cause business investment spending to rise?
       a.  an increase in real interest rates from 5% to 8%
       b.  a decrease in the corporate profits tax rate from 48% to 34%
       c.  a reduction of the investment tax credit from 10% to 2%
       d.  sales falling in relation to capacity from 90% to 60%

26.  Assume that net exports increase by $1 billion.  Equilibrium Real GDP will rise by more than $1 billion.  Explain why. (i.e., why is there a multiplier?).
     a.  an increase in net exports appreciates the dollar causing a further increase in net exports
     b.  an increase in net exports causes an increase in tax revenues which increases
          government spending
     c.  an increase in net exports increases income causing an increase in  induced consumption
     d.  an increase in net exports causes an increase in the money supply

27.  The largest transfer in the federal budget is:
a.  defense     b.  education     c.  social security     d.  welfare      e.  police

28.  The largest tax collected at the federal government level is the:
a.  income tax     b.  sales tax     c.  property tax     d.  social security tax

29.  A person had an income of $20,000 last year and paid $10,000 in tax.  This year, the person
had an income of $100,000 and paid $30,000 in tax.  The person’s marginal tax rate is:
      a.  25%     b. 30%    c.  50%     d.  100%

30.  The tax in question 29 is:
a.  progressive     b.  regressive     c.  proportional

31.  Assume that Equilibrium GDP is $4,000 billion.  Potential GDP is $5,000 billion.  The marginal propensity to consume is 4/5 (0.8).  By how much and in what direction should government purchases be changed?
       a.  increase by $1,000 billion        c.  increase by $100 billion
       b. decrease by $1,000 billion        d.  increase by $200 billion

32.  Using the numbers in question 31, by how much should taxes be changed?
       a.  increased by $1,000 billion    c.  decreased by $200 billion
       b. decreased by $1,000 billion    d.  decreased by $250 billion

33.  Assume that Equilibrium Real GDP is $20,000 while Potential Real GDP is $15,000.  The marginal propensity to consume is 9/10.  Assume that government decides to lower taxes by $1,000.  To pay for this, it lowers government purchases by $1,000.  As a result of these two changes, what is the new Equilibrium Real GDP?
       a.  $19,000     b.  $20,000     c.  $21,000     d.  $14,000     e.  $1,000

34.  Which of the following statements is true about the national debt?
        a.  In total, it is higher now than it has ever been
        b.  Most of it is owed by the federal government to foreigners
        c.  It means that a tremendous burden is being passed to our children
        d.  Because of it, the United States is on the verge of bankruptcy
        e.  All of the above

35.  If the official federal budget shows a deficit of $200 billion while the structural budget is has a surplus of $200 billion, it can be concluded that:
       a.  the intent of fiscal policy is very expansionary    
       b.  there is hyperinflation
       c.  the unemployment rate is well above the natural rate
       d.  state and local governments have large surpluses
       e.  off-budget spending is counted in the official deficit but not in the structural deficit

36.  The Phillips curve describes the relationship between:
      a.  the federal budget deficit and the trade deficit
      b.  savings and investment
      c.  the unemployment rate and the inflation rate
      d.  marginal tax rates and tax revenues

37.  Several adjustments have been suggested to the official budget deficit to be able to measure the effects of the budget deficit on the economy.  For which of the following would the adjusted deficit be larger than the official budget deficit?
      a.   state and local budget surpluses need to be added to the official budget deficit
  1. the effects of unemployment need to be taken out of the official budget deficit
  2. the effects of inflation need to be taken out of the official budget deficit
  3. off-budget spending needs to be added to the official budget deficit

38. Which of the following is included in M-1?
       a.  gold                  c.  checkable deposits                   e.  stock
       b.  credit cards      d.  money market mutual funds

39.  Which of the following is true about the Federal Reserve System?
       a.  its seven Board members are appointed by the President of the United States
       b.  its main policy-making body is called the CBO
       c.  it insures checking accounts against bank failure
       d.  it accepts deposits from individuals and makes loans for mortgages
       e.  All of the above
40.  Assume that the Fed increases the monetary base by $1 billion when the reserve requirement is 1/7.  As a result, the money supply will:
       a.  increase by $1 billion   c.  increase by $7 billion
       b. decrease by $1 billion   d.  increase by $143 million

41.  If the Fed wishes to decrease (tighten) the money supply, it should:
       a.  buy Treasury securities in the open market
       b.  raise the discount rate
       c.  lower the reserve requirements
       d.  raise marginal tax rates

42.  The demand for money will fall if:
       a.  Real GDP rises                      c.  the GDP Deflator rises   
       b.  real interest rates rise            d.  people expect deflation soon

43.  An increase in the money supply causes:    
       a.  interest rates to fall, investment spending to rise, and  aggregate demand to rise
       b.  interest rates to rise, investment spending to rise, and aggregate demand to rise
       c.  interest rates to rise, investment spending to fall, and aggregate demand to fall
       d.  interest rates to fall, investment spending to fall,  and aggregate demand to fall

44.  If individuals forecast future prices by examining the rates of inflation of the present and recent past, they are using:
       a.  adaptive expectations     c.  inflationary expectations
       b.  rational expectations      d.  structural expectations

45.  If the actual unemployment rate is below the natural rate of unemployment, it would be expected that:
       a.  the rate of inflation would increase     c.  the Phillips curve would shift to the left
       b.  wages would fall                                 d.  the natural rate of unemployment would fall

46.  According to the monetarist acceleration theory, in the long-run,
a.       the actual unemployment rate will be below the natural rate of unemployment
b.      the actual unemployment rate will be equal to the natural rate of unemployment
c.       the actual inflation rate will be equal to the natural inflation rate
d.      the budget deficit will be equal to zero
e.       the money supply will be growing at a constant rate per year


47.    According to the monetarists, in the long-run, the Phillips Curve is:
a.  vertical                     c.  downward-sloping
b.  horizontal                d.  upward-sloping

48.  Which of the following statements is true about supply-side economics?
       a.  The main change made by the tax laws of 1981 and 1986 was to 
            increase marginal tax rates in order to balance the budget
       b.  The Laffer Curve says that, if marginal tax rates fall, tax
            revenues will rise, and the budget deficit will decrease
c.       If the tax laws of 1981 and 1986 had had their intended effect, consumption would have
risen, causing an increase in both real GDP and in the price level           
       d.  All of the above

49.  Those who oppose a Constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget would make which of the following arguments:
       a.  Deficits are bad because they can cause crowding out
       b.  Such an amendment could force the government to undertake
            policies that would increase a recessionary gap
       c.  Deficits can cause inflation by increasing aggregate demand
       d.  Budget deficits can cause an increase in the trade deficit by appreciating the dollar

50.  If the money supply is:         The interest rate is:
            $100 billion                            10%
             120 billion                               8%
             140 billion                               6%
             160 billion                               4%
             120 billion                               2%

     If the interest rate is:        Investment spending is:
              10%                           $10 billion
               8%                            20 billion
               6%                            30 billion
               4%                            40 billion
               2%                            50 billion

     Assume that equilibrium GDP is $400 billion, potential GDP is $500 billion, the marginal propensity to consume is 9/10, the interest rate is 8%, investment spending is $20 billion, the money supply is $120 billion, and the reserve requirement is 1/10.  By how much and in what direction should the Fed change the monetary base?
     a.  increase it by $20 billion             d.  increase it by $2 billion
     b.  decrease it by $100 billion          e.  decrease it by $10 billion
     c.  increase it by $90 billion


  1.  A       2.  A      3.  A       4.  A       5.  D       6.  C       7.  D       8.  B       9.  B     10.  A
11.  D     12.  E     13.  A     14.  A     15.  A     16.  A     17.  C     18.  B     19.  D     20.  A
21.  A     22.  C     23.  B     24.  B     25.  B     26.  C     27.  C     28.  A     29.  A     30.  B
31.  D     32.  D     33,  A     34.  A     35.  C     36.  C     37.  D     38.  C     39.  A     40.  C
41.  B     42.  B     43.  A     44.  A     45.  A     46.  B     47.  A     48.  B     49.  B     50.  D


1.Economics is ( b )
a. the study of the markets for stocks and bonds
b. the study of choice under conditions of scarcity
c. exclusively the study of business firms
d. fundamentally the same as sociology
e. applicable only when scarcity is not a problem
2.People and organizations have to make choices about how to allocate time and money because
of ( c)
a. government rules and regulations
b. corporate control of our lives
c. scarcity of time and money
d. religious values
e. unlimited resources
3.Under capitalism, individuals are forced to make choices due to ( d)
a. scarce time, but not scarce spending power  2
b. scarce spending power, but not scarce time
c. neither scarce time nor scarce spending power
d. both scarce time and scarce spending power
e. a low material standard of living
4.Land, labor, and money are the three categories of economic resources.( b )
a. True
b. False
5.Due to a scarcity of resources, (d )
a. every society must undertake central planning
b. the government must decide how to allocate available resources
c. some members of each society must live in poverty
d. every society must choose among competing uses of available resources
e. resource availability exceeds the possible uses for available resources
6. In every economic system, scarcity imposes limitations on ( a )
a. households, business firms, governments, and the nation as a whole
b. households and business firms, but not the governments
c. local and state governments, but not the federal government
d. households and governments, but not business firms
e. business firms, governments, and the nation as a whole
7. The three groups of decision makers in the economy are ( b )
a. households, business firms, and banks
b. households, business firms, and governments
c. business firms, governments, and banks
d. business firms, banks, and foreign traders
e. households, governments, and banks
8. Macroeconomics focuses on the behavior of economic agents such as the consumer, a business
firm, or a specific market. ( b )
a. True
b. False
9.Microeconomic topics include the overall unemployment rate in the United States and the rate
of inflation. ( b )
a. True
b. False
10.Microeconomics deals with which of the following? ( c )
a. the total output of an economy
b. the measurement of a nation's inflation rate
c. how producers and consumers interact in individual markets
d. how tax policies influence economic growth
e. whether wage growth will outpace inflation in the coming year
11.Suppose that the following headlines appeared in a newspaper. Which would most clearly
represent a macroeconomic issue? ( a )
a. "Central Bank Raises Interest Rates"
b. "Auto Dealership to Cut Prices"  3
c. "Fanny's Freeze Dried Prunes to Lay Off 50 Workers"
d. "United Workers Union to Strike April 15"
e. "Brazilian Coffee Bean Crop Falls by 10 Percent"
12.Which of the following would be strictly a microeconomic topic? ( e )
a. a general rise in interest rates
b. a drop in inflation
c. an increase in total production in the United States
d. a drop in the nation's unemployment rate
e. an increase in the price of the Ford Taurus

13.If the president of Chile commented that "the crime rate in Chile is currently too high," this
would be an example of a normative statement. ( a )
a. True
b. False

14.Economists tend to disagree primarily over positive statements about the economy. ( b )
a. True
b. False

15."The Consumer Price Index increased by 4.2 percent in the first quarter of this year." What
type of statement is this? ( c )
a. normative
b. negative
c. positive
d. subjective
e. biased

16.Which of the following is a normative statement? ( d )
a. the Philadelphia Phillies have won 70 baseball games this year
b. the Consumer Price Index rose three-tenths of one percent in May
c. in January, the average temperature in San Diego exceeds the average temperature in
d. the Philadelphia Phillies need a better manager
e. the French trade deficit reached an all-time high last year

17.Which of the following is a positive statement? ( b )
a. driving speeds should be lowered so that fewer accidents will occur
b. when per capita income falls, fewer meals are consumed at restaurants
c. the minimum wage is too low; college students deserve a raise
d. cigarette sales should be made illegal in order to reduce the incidence of cancer
e. Social Security is a good program for U.S. workers

18."Senior citizens deserve an income that will allow them to live in comfort for their remaining
years." This is ( e )
a. neither a normative nor a positive statement
b. both a positive and a normative statement
c. strictly a macroeconomic issue
d. a positive statement
e. a normative statement  4

19. A newspaper headline announces that "more college graduates than ever are in the labor
force." This is an example of (d )
a. microeconomic analysis
b. an abstraction
c. a value judgment
d. a positive statement
e. macroeconomic analysis

20.Economic models do not have to completely describe every aspect of the economy in order to
be useful. ( a )
a. True
b. False

21.Economic models come in the form of ( b )
a. three-dimensional objects
b. all of the following
c. words
d. diagrams
e. mathematical equations

22. Consider an economic model designed to analyze the purchasing decisions of households. An
assumption that a household chooses between only two goods would be an example of a ( a )
a. simplifying assumption
b. critical assumption
c. macroeconomic assumption
d. financial assumption
e. positive assumption

23 Suppose your friends take you out for dinner on your birthday and you have a much better
time than you would have had doing anything else. There is still an opportunity cost, even though
they will not let you pay for anything. ( a )
a. True
b. False

24 Opportunity costs arise because of resource scarcity. ( a )
a. True
b. False

25 The opportunity cost of a particular activity ( b )
a. is the same for everyone pursuing this activity
b. may include both monetary costs and forgone income
c. always decreases as more of that activity is pursued
d. usually is known with certainty
e. measures the direct benefits of that activity

26 After graduating from high school, Steve had three choices, listed in order of preference: (1)
matriculate at our campus, (2) work in a printed circuit board factory, or (3) attend a rival college.
His opportunity cost of going to college here includes which of the following? (b )  5
a. the cost of books and supplies at the rival college
b. the income he could have earned at the printed circuit board factory plus the direct cost of
attending college here (tuition, textbooks, etc.)
c. the benefits he could have received from going to the rival college
d. only the tuition and fees paid for taking classes here
e. cannot be determined from the given information

27 A professional basketball players' union negotiates a contract that dramatically increases all
players' salaries. How would this influence the opportunity cost for a player who was considering
giving up basketball to pursue a career in broadcasting? ( d )
a. it would not affect the opportunity cost of playing basketball or of broadcasting
b. it would increase the opportunity cost of continuing to play professional basketball
c. it would cause the production possibilities frontier to become convex
d. it would increase the opportunity cost of becoming a broadcaster
e. it should have no bearing on the player's decision from an economic standpoint

28 Assume that Kelly's various possible activities are mutually exclusive. The opportunity cost
from choosing one activity equals the ( c )
a. summed value of all her alternative activities
b. summed value of all her alternative activities minus the value of the chosen activity
c. value of the next most valuable alternative activity
d. value of the next most valuable alternative activity minus the value of the chosen activity
e. summed value of all her alternative activities minus the value of the next most valuable
alternative activity

29 Carl is considering attending a concert with a ticket price of $35. He estimates that the cost of
driving to the concert and parking there will total an additional $20. In order to attend the concert,
Carl will have to take time off from his part-time job. He estimates that he will lose 5 hours at
work, at a wage of $6 per hour. Carl's opportunity cost of attending the concert equals ( e )
a. $35
b. $55
c. $30
d. $65
e. $85

30 High-income people will sometimes pay higher prices at convenience stores for goods that are
available at discount stores. They do this because ( c )
a. they are irrational
b. their opportunity cost of time is low
c. crowded and understaffed discount stores impose higher time costs
d. they like to be seen paying more money
e. they do not mind wasting time

31 Opportunity costs arise in production because ( b )
a. resources are unlimited
b. resources must be shifted away from producing one good in order to produce another
c. wants are limited in society
d. monetary costs of inputs usually outweigh non-monetary costs
e. the monetary costs of only a few resources are zero  6

32 In one hour, George can fix 4 flat tires or type 200 words. His opportunity cost of fixing a flat
tire is ( d )
a. 200 words
b. 4 flat tires
c. 1 word
d. 50 words
e. 800 words

33 If the economy is producing a combination of goods inside its production possibilities frontier,
then ( c )
a. workers are on vacation
b. a significant number of workers have little education
c. some resources are being wasted
d. technology must improve before output can increase
e. the opportunity cost of producing more output is greater than the value of the additional
output that could be produced

34 When there is an improvement in technology, holding all else constant, ( e )
a. the production possibilities frontier will shift inward
b. society faces larger opportunity costs from shifting productive resources from one use to
c. goods and services will increase in price
d. the economy must have some idle resources
e. the production possibilities frontier will shift outward

35 If an economy's production possibilities frontier shifted to the right, this would illustrate ( d )
a. increasing opportunity cost
b. decreasing opportunity cost
c. a fall in resource utilization
d. economic growth
e. a rise in resource utilization

36 Along a society's production possibilities frontier, ( d )
a. the level of technology is changing
b. more of one good can be produced without giving up some of the other good
c. resources are not being fully utilized
d. available resources are being used efficiently
e. there is productive inefficiency in the economy  7

37 Which of the following could explain the shift in the production possibilities frontier from
AB to AC in Figure-1? ( d )
a. a productive improvement in petroleum production that has no effect on clothing production
b. a productive improvement in clothing production that has no effect on petroleum production
c. an increase in the size of the labor force that can produce either petroleum products or
d. major oil reserves in Alaska are declared off-limits to producers in order to protect the
e. major oil reserves are discovered off the coast of Africa

38 Which of the following could explain the shift in the production possibilities frontier shown
in Figure-1 from AC to AB? ( e )
a. technical improvements in both petroleum and clothing production
b. a productive improvement in clothing production that has no effect on petroleum production
c. a decrease in the size of the labor force that can produce either petroleum products or
d. major oil reserves in Alaska are declared off-limits to producers in order to protect the
e. major oil reserves are discovered off the coast of Africa

39 The law of increasing opportunity cost is based on the idea that ( d )
a. wages tend to increase with the level of employment
b. interest rates tend to rise with increasing inflation
c. labor costs for a typical firm are a large and growing proportion of total cost
d. most resources are better suited to producing some goods than others
e. the less of something we produce, the greater is the opportunity cost of producing still more  8

40 If a society is on its production possibilities frontier, and decides to produce more health
care,( a )
a. the cost of producing an additional unit of health care will rise
b. it must employ some previously unemployed resources
c. its standard of living will rise
d. some kind of inefficiency will occur
e. the cost of producing an additional unit of some other good will rise

41 . After graduating from high school, Steve had three choices, listed in order of preference: (1)
study economics
at Iowa State University, (2) work in a printed circuit board factory, or (3) attend a rival college.
His opportunity cost of going to college here includes which of the following? ( b )
a. the cost of books and supplies at the rival college
b. the income he could have earned at the printed circuit board factory plus the direct cost of
attending college here (tuition, textbooks, etc.)
c. the benefits he could have received from going to the rival college
d. only the tuition and fees paid for taking classes here
e. cannot be determined from the given information

42 Figure-2 illustrates the trade-off for a particular student between time spent studying per week
and income per week from working part-time. What is the opportunity cost for this person of
moving from point a to point b? ( b )
a. $5 of income per week
b. $10 of income per week
c. two hours of studying per week
d. $10 per hour of studying per week
e. $20 of income per week  9

43 Assume that U.S. agricultural land is used either to raise cattle for beef or to grow wheat.
Figure -3 represents the production possibility frontier for beef and wheat. Between points F and
G, the opportunity cost of one bushel of wheat equals ( c )
a. 0.25 million pounds of beef
b. 1.75 million pounds of beef
c. 0.125 pounds of beef
d. 8.0 pounds of beef
e. 0.5 pounds of beef

44 Assume that U.S. agricultural land is used either to raise cattle for beef or to grow wheat.
Figure -3 represents the production possibility frontier for beef and wheat. Production at point H
is ( a )
a. unattainable given currently available technology and resources
b. attainable by more fully employing already available resources
c. attainable by using better technology which is already available
d. attainable if beef production drops to zero
e. attainable if all available resources are used to produce wheat

45 Assume that U.S. agricultural land is used either to raise cattle for beef or to grow wheat.
Figure -3 represents the production possibility frontier for beef and wheat. What is assumed
constant as the economy moves from point F to point G? ( a )
a. both d and e
b. the money supply
c. consumer tastes and preferences
d. the level of currently available technology
e. the amount of available resources  10

46 . Assume that U.S. agricultural land is used either to raise cattle for beef or to grow wheat.
Figure -3 represents the production possibility frontier for beef and wheat. Between points F and
G, the opportunity cost of each pound of beef equals ( d )
a. 0.25 million bushels of wheat
b. 1.75 million bushels of wheat
c. 0.125 bushels of wheat
d. 8 bushels of wheat
e. 0.5 bushels of wheat

47. Assume that the publishing industry produces novels and textbooks, as shown in the
production possibilities frontier in Figure-4. Between points F and G, the opportunity cost of one
more novel equals _____. Between points G and H, the opportunity cost of one more novel equals
_____. ( a )
a. 0.4 textbooks; 0.5 textbooks
b. 4 textbooks; 5 textbooks
c. 4 million textbooks; 5 million textbooks
d. 2.5 textbooks; 2 textbooks
e. 10 million textbooks; 5 million textbooks

48. Assume that the publishing industry produces novels and textbooks, as shown in the
production possibilities frontier in Figure-4. Between points G and H, the opportunity cost of one
more textbook equals ( e )
a. 0.5 novels
b. 10 million novels
c. 3 novels
d. 8 novels
e. 2 novels

49. Which of the following statements could explain the concave shape of the production
possibilities curve in Figure-4? ( d )
a. the publishing industry develops improved printing presses
b. productive efficiency increases as the publishing industry moves from point F to point H
c. more editors and writers are employed as the publishing industry moves from point F to
point H  11
d. some writers are better suited to writing novels; some are better suited to writing textbooks
e. the prices of paper and ink fall as the publishing industry moves from point H to point F

50. The three primary systems for allocating resources are ( d )
a. tradition, command, and central planning
b. tradition, central planning, and communal
c. command, market, and socialism
d. tradition, command, and market
e. communal, command, and capitalism